Good News October 22, 2017

The “Big Picture” of John

Reagan McClenny

Author Background: The disciple whom Jesus loved, part of the inner-circle, last surviving apostle

Audience: Universal/Everyone

Aspect of Jesus emphasized: Jesus is God , the Son (John 1:1; 20:30-31)

Approach to Writing: Theological/Thematic (Repeated words, phrases, and even numbers, like "7" below, give us insight into John's purpose. Be looking for them as you read!)

Key Word/Phrase: "I AM ... "

Revelation 4:7: Flying Eagle

7 Names/Titles of Jesus in John 1:

Jesus is INTRODUCED as God

  1. The Word (v1)
  2. Lamb of God (v29)
  3. Son (of God/of Man) (v34, v51)
  4. Rabbi (38)
  5. Messiah (Christ) (v41)
  6. Jesus of Nazareth (the son of Joseph) (v45)
  7. King of Israel (v49)

7 Signs In John:

Jesus PROVES Who He Is

These seven signs point us to Jesus as GOD: the CREATOR and the RECREATOR. Note that (generally) the Seven Signs come before the Seven "I AM" statements, so that Jesus might show who He is, before He claims and fully explains who He is.

  1. Water to Wine-John 2:1-12 - Jesus is master over QUALITY.
  2. The Healing of the Nobleman's Son-John 4:46-54 - Jesus is master over DISTANCE (Space).
  3. The Healing at the Pool of Bethesda-John 5:1-17 - Jesus is master over TIME.
  4. Feeding of the Five Thousand-John 6:1-15 - Jesus is master over QUANITIY.
  5. Walking on the Water-John 6:16-21 - Jesus is master over NATURAL LAW.
  6. Healing of the Man Born Blind-John 9: 1-41 - Jesus is master over CHANCE/FATE/MISFORTUNE.
  7. Raising of Lazarus from the Dead-John 11:1-46 - Jesus is master over LIFE AND DEATH.

7 Metaphorical "I AM" Statements in John:

Jesus EXPLAINS Who He Is

See John 8:12, 24, 28, 48-59 for direct "I AM" statements.

  1. I am the Bread of Life-John 6:35, 48, 51
  2. I am the Light of the World: John 8:12; 9:5
  3. I am the Door of theSheep: 10:7-11
  4. I am the Good Shepherd: 10:11, 14
  5. I am the Resurrection and the Life: 11 :25
  6. I am the True Vine: 15:1
  7. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life No One Comes to the Father But By Me: 14:6

7 Witnesses to Jesus in John:

Jesus is CONFIRMED as God

  1. John the Baptist
  2. Jesus' own works/signs
  3. God the Father
  4. The Old Testament Writings of Moses
  5. Jesus Himself
  6. The Holy Spirit
  7. The Disciples (Especially John)

WE REJOICE with DUSTIN HUFFSTETLER who was baptized into Christ last Tuesday. We welcome him to our number!

 SCRIPTURE READING SCHEDULES & BOOKMARKS for October : are located on the foyer table.

GOSPEL MEETING: Oct. 22-25, Reel Road in Longview with Walton Weaver, 7 pm Sunday-Wednesday.
