
Sermon Title Teacher Scripture Date
The Demons Who Confessed The Christ Mk 1:21-24 02-09-25
The Compassionate God Reagan McClenny Ex 34:5-9 02-09-25
February Singing Service Our Members Acts 17:22-28 02-05-25
The Immutability of God Preston Nichols Isa 46:8-11 02-02-25
The Widow's Two Mites Reagan McClenny Mk 12:41-44 02-02-25
January 2025 Men's Class - Eric Vaughan Our Members 01-27-25
What Sin is Most Closely Associated with The Devil? Reagan McClenny 1 Tim 3:11 01-26-25
The Fear of Death Preston Nichols Heb 2:14-15 01-26-25
What Is The Gospel? Harold Hancock Rom 1:16 01-19-25
A People Admired For Kindness Reagan McClenny Gal 5:22-23 01-19-25
Living on Holy Time Preston Nichols Lev 23 01-12-25
Walk Like Jesus By Finding The Quiet Places Reagan McClenny Mt 14:10 01-12-25
January Singing Service Our Members Mt 11:28-30 01-08-25
Lessons On God & Faith from Lot & Rahab Reagan McClenny Joshua 1:2 01-05-25
Peace Be Still Reagan McClenny Mt 8:23-27 01-05-25
Renewing Commitment Preston Nichols Deut 29-30 12-29-24
Of "First Importance" Reagan McClenny 1 Cor 15:3 12-29-24
What Does Jesus Offer Sinners? Harold Hancock Mk 2:13 12-22-24
Jesus - Empty of Pride, Full of Humility Reagan McClenny Prov 6:16-17 12-22-24
The Four "Mits" of Salvation Reagan McClenny Rm 3:23 12-15-24
Seeking Godly Wisdom Reagan McClenny Js 1:5 12-15-24
Immanuel: God With Us Preston Nichols Isa 7:14 12-08-24
Extreme Bible Characters Experiencing Extreme Life Circumstances Reagan McClenny 1 Cor 10:13 12-08-24
December Singing Service Our Members Mt 1:18-21 12-04-24
Materialism - Life Consists Of More Than Just The Material Reagan McClenny Mt 6:19-25 12-01-24
Psalm 134 Reagan McClenny Psa 120 12-01-24
Count Your Spiritual Blessings Reagan McClenny Eph 1:3-14 11-24-24
Christian Love And Unity From The Outside Looking In Reagan McClenny Jn 13:34 11-24-24
One Body Preston Nichols 1 Cor 12:12-27 11-17-24
The All Sufficiency of the Scriptures Harold Hancock Heb 10:9 11-17-24
The Potter & The Clay Reagan McClenny Jer 18-19 11-10-24
Slow To Anger Preston Nichols Ex 34:6-7 11-10-24
Who Are You Trying To Please? Reagan McClenny 2 Tim 2:15 11-03-24
Good & Pleasant Reagan McClenny Psa 133 11-03-24
The Battle Between Flesh and Spirit Steve Reeves Gal 5:17 10-27-24
Habakkuk 2024 - O Lord, How Long? Reagan McClenny Hab 1:2-4 10-27-24
Peter's Last Words Preston Nichols 2 Pet 1:1-11 10-20-24
The Three Appearances of Jesus Reagan McClenny Heb 9:24-28 10-20-24
What Kind Of Christian Are You? Reagan McClenny Acts 11:19 10-13-24
Speak Boldly! Preston Nichols Psa 2:1-12 10-13-24
A Spiritual Kingdom Of Spiritual Priests Reagan McClenny 1 Pet 2 10-06-24
Psalm 132 : God's Higher Calling For His People Reagan McClenny Psa 132 10-06-24
Our Goal As Christians Preston Nichols Mt 19:20 09-29-24
The Law Of Moses / The Gospel Of Christ Harold Hancock Jn 1:17 09-29-24
The Three Crowns Of Jesus Reagan McClenny Rev 19:11 09-22-24
Count The Cost - What Baptism Does Reagan McClenny Lk 14:26-33 09-22-24
What God Hopes For Reagan McClenny Acts 17:22 09-15-24
Never Forget - Learning From The Past Reagan McClenny Judges 2:7-11 09-15-24
Annual Singing - Part 2 Our Members Psa 120-134 09-13-24
Annual Singing - Part 1 Our Members Psa 120-134 09-13-24
The Holy One Of Israel Preston Nichols Isa 6 09-08-24
Unified In Worship, Unified By Worship Reagan McClenny 1 Cor 11:18 09-08-24
September Singing Service Our Members 09-04-24
Responsibility - You Choose Harold Hancock Heb 9:27 09-01-24
Psalm 131 - Childlike Contentment Reagan McClenny Psa 131 09-01-24
August Men's Class Reagan McClenny 08-26-24
Can I Speak To The Architect Preston Nichols Prov 3:19-20 08-25-24
Rahab the Harlot Reagan McClenny 1 Tim 1:12-16 08-21-24
A Psalm Of Ascent: Psalm 100 Reagan McClenny Psa 100 08-18-24
You Have Come To Mount Zion Reagan McClenny Dut 4:11-13 08-18-24
Partnership In The Gospel Preston Nichols Phi 1 08-14-24
Do As I Say, Not As I Do Reagan McClenny Mt 23:3 08-11-24
The Vanity Of Life Kenny Moorer Ecc 1:12-16 08-07-24
10 Ten Commandments For Young People Kenny Moorer 2 Cor 4:18 08-06-24
For Me And My House Kenny Moorer Josh 24:15 08-05-24
3 Things To Remember Kenny Moorer 2 Pet 1:12-15 08-04-24
Paul's Last Letter To Timothy Kenny Moorer Acts 16:1 08-04-24
What Do People Want The Most? Kenny Moorer Isa 9 08-04-24
A Year of Ascent: Wait in Trusting Hope For Abundant Redemption From God Reagan McClenny Psa 130 07-28-24
Americans Seeking A King Reagan McClenny Est 4:11 07-28-24
More Like Jesus In Purpose Harold Hancock Prov 23:6-8 07-21-24
Step Into The Gap Reagan McClenny Heb 9:25 07-21-24