Train Up A Child In The Way He Should Go |
Reagan McClenny |
Prov 22:6 |
12-24-23 |
But Now Christ Is Risen! |
Reagan McClenny |
1 Cor 15 |
12-24-23 |
Is There A "Judas" Among Us? |
Harold Hancock |
Mk 3:14-19 |
12-17-23 |
God's Library |
Reagan McClenny |
Heb 4:12 |
12-17-23 |
Morning By Morning |
Reagan McClenny |
Lam 3:21 |
12-10-23 |
Fish Don't Climb Trees |
Reagan McClenny |
Acts 6:1-4 |
12-10-23 |
December Singing Service |
Our Members |
Esther |
12-06-23 |
Four Aspects Of the Wise & Foolish Virgins |
Reagan McClenny |
Mt 25:1-13 |
12-03-23 |
Behold! The Lamb Of God |
Reagan McClenny |
Ex 12:1-15 |
12-03-23 |
Falling Prices and Unexpected Blessings |
Reagan McClenny |
2 Kings 6-7 |
11-26-23 |
Sunday AM Class 11/26/2023 |
Preston Nichols |
11-26-23 |
Making Restitution |
Preston Nichols |
2 Sam 12:1-9 |
11-26-23 |
Jesus Christ - A Sure Foundation |
Harold Hancock |
Psa 11:3 |
11-19-23 |
If The Foundations Be Destroyed... What Can the Righteous Do? |
Reagan McClenny |
Psa 11 |
11-19-23 |
What is The Unforgivable Sin |
Reagan McClenny |
Mt 12:31-32 |
11-12-23 |
The Prodigal Son: From Son to Swine to Servant to Son |
Reagan McClenny |
Lk 15:11-24 |
11-12-23 |
Grateful In EVERY Circumstance |
Reagan McClenny |
Deut 8 |
11-05-23 |
Rooted & Grounded to Bear Fruit |
Reagan McClenny |
Mk 11:12 |
11-05-23 |
November Singing Service |
Our Members |
11-01-23 |
Jesus Is Life |
Harold Hancock |
Jn 1:1 |
10-29-23 |
Open Our Eyes That We May See |
Reagan McClenny |
2 Kings 6:8-23 |
10-29-23 |
Don't Forget God's Benefits |
Reagan McClenny |
Psa 1 |
10-22-23 |
Seeing The Glory of The Lord |
Reagan McClenny |
Mt 17 |
10-22-23 |
Israel vs. Palestine |
Reagan McClenny |
Gen 16:10-12 |
10-15-23 |
Choosing The "Strait" & Narrow |
Reagan McClenny |
Mt 7:13-14 |
10-15-23 |
Getting To Know Psalm 16 |
Reagan McClenny |
Acts 2:25 |
10-08-23 |
Rooted & Grounded To Bear Fruit |
Reagan McClenny |
Lk13:6-9 |
10-08-23 |
Great Themes Of The Bible |
Harold Hancock |
Jn 3:16 |
10-01-23 |
Jesus - Only Begotten Son Of God |
Harold Hancock |
Jn 3:16 |
10-01-23 |
Never Thirsting Again |
Reagan McClenny |
Jn 4;1 |
09-24-23 |
Know You Are Saved! |
Reagan McClenny |
1 Jn 2:24 |
09-24-23 |
Teaching The Gospel In East Africa |
Don Hooten |
09-17-23 |
Standing Alone For What Is Right |
Reagan McClenny |
Jn 7:31-52 |
09-17-23 |
Enthusiasm for Things Spiritual |
Harold Hancock |
Jn 1:26 |
09-10-23 |
The Word |
Harold Hancock |
Jn 1:1 |
09-10-23 |
What Do I Still Lack? |
Reagan McClenny |
Mt 19:16 |
09-03-23 |
Where Is My Place In The Body Of Christ? |
Reagan McClenny |
Eph 4:11-15 |
09-03-23 |
What The IDENTITY OF A TRANSformed Life Means To A Disoriented World |
Shawn Bain |
Rom 12:9-21 |
08-31-23 |
What The IDENTITY of a TRANSformed Life Means to the World |
Shawn Bain |
Rm 12:6-21 |
08-30-23 |
Accepting The Assignment of My IDENTITY |
Shawn Bain |
Rom 12:3-5 |
08-29-23 |
TRANSforming My Identity as the Will of God |
Shawn Bain |
Rom 12:1-2 |
08-28-23 |
The Mindset Of A TRANSformed Identity |
Shawn Bain |
Eph 4:22-34 |
08-27-23 |
Sacrificing One Identity For Another |
Shawn Bain |
Rom 12:1-2 |
08-27-23 |
TRANSformed The Introduction to Identity |
Shawn Bain |
Rom 12:1-2 |
08-27-23 |
Africa Mission 2023 Update - Paul Coffman |
Our Members |
08-20-23 |
For The Cause of Christ |
Reagan McClenny |
Phil 1:12-14 |
08-20-23 |
3 New Testament Examples of Gossip |
Reagan McClenny |
Mt 11:16-19 |
08-13-23 |
Does This Please God? Pt 3: How Does God Communicate? |
Reagan McClenny |
Eph 3:3 |
08-13-23 |
Jesus Is God |
Harold Hancock |
Jn 1:1 |
08-06-23 |
Being Away From Home |
Harold Hancock |
08-06-23 |
August Singing Service |
Our Members |
Psa 104 |
08-02-23 |
Completing the Incomplete Message of David |
Reagan McClenny |
Psa 25 |
07-30-23 |
An Encouragement To Build Spiritual Habits Into Your Family |
Reagan McClenny |
Psa 127-128 |
07-30-23 |
Godlike Love In The Lab |
Reagan McClenny |
1 Cor 13 |
07-30-23 |
Do You Know God? Godlike Love |
Reagan McClenny |
1 Jn 4:9=11 |
07-30-23 |
Joy To The World |
Reagan McClenny |
Lk 2:8 |
07-16-23 |
Does This Please God Pt. 2 - All In The Name Of The Lord |
Reagan McClenny |
Jn 14:15 |
07-16-23 |
The Resurrected Stephen |
Reagan McClenny |
Acts 6:5 |
07-09-23 |
Why Was The Veil Torn In Two From Top To Bottom? |
Reagan McClenny |
Mt 27:45-51 |
07-09-23 |
July Singing Service |
Our Members |
Mk 10:42-45 |
07-05-23 |
Some New Testament Characters |
Harold Hancock |
Mk, 15:27 |
07-02-23 |
Preparing For The Storms Of Life |
Wade Penn |
2 Tim 3:14-17 |
07-02-23 |
Growing In the Knowlege of Grace |
Harold Hancock |
Eph 2:8 |
06-25-23 |
Rooted And Grounded In Love |
Reagan McClenny |
Eph 3:14-21 |
06-25-23 |
God's Providence and Our Working From The Book of Ruth |
Reagan McClenny |
Ruth 1:1 |
06-18-23 |
What Does The Lord Require of You Fathers? |
Reagan McClenny |
Mic 6:6-8 |
06-18-23 |
To Walk In Newness Of Life |
Todd Martin |
Rom 6:13 |
06-11-23 |
Overcoming Temptation |
Ty Thornton |
2 Cor 10:13 |
06-11-23 |
June Singing Service |
Our Members |
Psa 34:1-8 |
06-07-23 |
I Want To Be A Worker For The Lord |
Reagan McClenny |
1 Cor 15:58 |
06-04-23 |
The Other Times Jesus Wept |
Reagan McClenny |
Heb 4:14-16 |
06-04-23 |
That God Would Open To Us A Door |
Reagan McClenny |
Rev 3:7-8 |
05-28-23 |