
Sermon Title Teacher Scripture Date
Update on Work In Africa - Paul Coffman Our Members 05-21-23
Rooted And Grounded in THE Faith Reagan McClenny 1 Thess 4 05-14-23
A Mother's Gift of Great Faith Reagan McClenny Mt 15:21-28 05-10-23
"I Will..." Psalm 101 Reagan McClenny Psa 101:1-8 05-07-23
Does This Please God - Part 1: Do You Love God? Reagan McClenny 1 Jn 4;8 05-07-23
Ezekiel Plucks A Tulip Steve Reeves Ez 18 04-30-23
John The Baptist And True Greatness Reagan McClenny Mt 11:11 04-30-23
I AM - Conclusion Pt 2 Harold Hancock 04-26-23
I AM - Conclusion Pt 1 Harold Hancock 04-26-23
I AM The True Vine Reagan McClenny 04-26-23
I AM The Way, The Truth, And The Life Reagan McClenny 04-26-23
I AM The Resurrection & The Life Reagan McClenny 04-26-23
I AM The Good Shepherd Reagan McClenny 04-26-23
I AM The Door Of The Sheep Reagan McClenny 04-26-23
I AM The Light Of The World Reagan McClenny 04-26-23
I AM The Bread Of Life Reagan McClenny 04-26-23
Jesus The "I AM" Reagan McClenny 04-26-23
April Men's Class Reagan McClenny 04-24-23
Report On The Work Being Done in The Czech Republic Bill Bynum 04-23-23
Why Walk On Water? Bill Bynum Mar 6:45 04-23-23
Sun AM Class 3/26/23 Reagan McClenny Jeremiah 04-19-23
Rejoice In The Hope Of the Glory Of God Todd Martin Rom 5:1-5 04-16-23
Come To The Mountain Daniel Hooten Micah 4:1-5 04-16-23
Rooted & Grounded In The Faith Reagan McClenny Col 1:21-23 04-09-23
Despising The Shame Reagan McClenny Mt 26:36-42 04-09-23
April Singing Service Our Members 04-05-23
What Do You Do When Life Gets Messed Up? Steve Ramsey Prov 3:5-6 04-02-23
Our Pathway To Righteousness Harold Hancock Rom 3 04-02-23
March Men's Class Our Members 03-27-23
The Bible And Book Burning Reagan McClenny Jer 36 / Acts 19 03-26-23
What Does It Mean To Be Rooted and Built Up In Christ? Reagan McClenny Col 2 03-26-23
March Singing Service Our Members 03-15-23
Stumbling Over God's Word Harold Hancock James 2:10 03-12-23
Walking Like Jesus Reagan McClenny Col 2:6-7 03-12-23
Do Not Grow Weary In Well Doing Larry McClenny Gal 6:7-10 03-09-23
Yes, Jesus Cares! Larry McClenny Lk 7:36-50 03-08-23
Cleansing The Whole Self Larry McClenny Mt 23:25-28 03-07-23
Going Through The Fire Larry McClenny 2 Tim 3:10-12 03-06-23
Stand Strong Larry McClenny Heb 10"19=36 03-05-23
Be An Example Larry McClenny 1 Tim 4:1-2 03-05-23
What Does The Lord Require? Larry McClenny Mic 1:1 03-05-23
February Men's Class Our Members 02-27-23
Psalm 105 & 106 And The Wisdom Of Qualifying Statements Reagan McClenny Psa 105 & 106 02-26-23
Wait On The Lord Reagan McClenny Isa 40:28-31 02-26-23
Lying In Wait For Our Own Blood - Sin & Self-Destruction Reagan McClenny Prov 1:10-18 02-19-23
10 Shared Blessings In Jesus Christ Our Lord Reagan McClenny 1 Cor 6:9 02-19-23
If I'm Saved, Why Do I Feel Lost? Harold Hancock Rom 5 02-05-23
God's Bride - Then & Now Reagan McClenny Hos 2:19-20 02-05-23
February Singing Service Our Members Proverbs 02-01-23
January Men's Class Ty Thornton 01-30-23
Using The "Sword Of the Spirit" As An Offensive Weapon Reagan McClenny Eph 6:10-17 01-29-23
Where Do We Go When We Die? Reagan McClenny Ecc 7:2 01-29-23
Tucker McDaniel - New Year, New Me Our Members Mt 13:1-8 01-22-23
The Laborers In The Vinyard Reagan McClenny Mt 20:1-6 01-22-23
Mind Your Own Business Todd Martin 1 Thess 4:11 01-15-23
Jonah Daniel Hooten Jonah 01-15-23
The Immune System H.E. Buddy Payne Gen 1:26-28 01-08-23
Have This Mind H.E. Buddy Payne Phi 3:7-16 01-08-23
Biology In Education Todd Chandler 1 Jn 1:6 01-08-23
The Poor Design Argument: The Human Eye H.E. Buddy Payne Psa 19 01-07-23
The Poor Design Argument: Theology In Darwinism Todd Chandler 01-07-23
Molecular Machines H.E. Buddy Payne Rom 1:20 01-06-23
God Is In Sight Todd Chandler Heb 11:3 01-06-23
Singing Service Our Members 01-04-23
January Mens Class Our Members 01-02-23
Looking Forward / Backward Reagan McClenny 2 Kgs 25 01-01-23
Rooted & Grounded Reagan McClenny Eph 3:17 01-01-23
Do We Have Confidence In Our Prayers To God? Todd Martin 1 Jn 5:14 12-25-22
Passing Through Water To A New Life Pt 2 Our Members Mk 1:1-5 12-25-22
Contentment Killers Reagan McClenny Phil 3-4 12-18-22
Better Together Reagan McClenny Gen 2:18 12-18-22
I Am Your Servant And Son.....Save Me! Reagan McClenny 2 Kgs 16:7-9 12-11-22