
Sermon Title Teacher Scripture Date
God's Rod And Staff Reagan McClenny Psa 23 06-07-20
The Impact Our Love & Unity Has On The World Reagan McClenny John 13:3-4 05-31-20
A Floating Axe-Head? Reagan McClenny 2 Kings 6;1-7 05-24-20
Our Mutual Faith Harold Hancock Rom 1:11-12 05-17-20
The God-Like Influence of Godly Mothers Reagan McClenny John 2:1-11 05-10-20
What God Expects Us To Learn By Allowing Our Suffering Reagan McClenny James 1:23 05-03-20
Because God Allowed It Reagan McClenny 2 Cor 12:7 04-26-20
One Bullet Reagan McClenny 04-19-20
Early On The First Day Of The Week Reagan McClenny John 20:1 04-12-20
Discouragement Our Members 1 Kings 19 04-05-20
New Hope Reagan McClenny 1 Pet 1:3 03-29-20
...But God Is Faithful Reagan McClenny 1 Cor 10:13 03-22-20
Know Your Enemy - The Lying Snake Reagan McClenny 2 Cor 2:11 03-15-20
Are You Faithful? Harold Hancock Rev 2:10 03-15-20
Know Your Enemy - The Roaring Lion Reagan McClenny 1 Pet 5:6-9 03-08-20
What Do We Want Our Friends To Be Like? Reagan McClenny 2 Cor 6:14 03-08-20
The 4 Greatest Accomplishments EVER Wiley Deason 2 Tim 4:6 03-05-20
Before You Like, Share, Or Post.... Wiley Deason Titus 2:11-14 03-04-20
Overcoming The Gall Of Bitterness Wiley Deason Acts 8:9-24 03-03-20
Should We Be More Tolerant? Wiley Deason 1 John 2:15 03-02-20
Denying Self In A Selfish World Wiley Deason Matt 4:17 03-01-20
Being Positive In A Negative World Wiley Deason Phil 14:4-8 03-01-20
The Image Of Hell Reagan McClenny Rev 20:9-15, 21:8 02-23-20
Glimpses Of Jesus In Me Reagan McClenny Matt 5:14 02-23-20
Glimpses Of Glory PT 3 Reagan McClenny Rev 2:7 02-16-20
What Do You Give? Reagan McClenny Mk 12:41-44 02-16-20
Glimpses Of Glory PT 2 Reagan McClenny Rev 21 02-09-20
How We Can Draw Nearer To God When We Feel Disconnected Reagan McClenny Ex 33:7-23 02-09-20
Reflections About Paul Harold Hancock Acts 7:58 02-02-20
Glimpses Of Glory PT 1 Reagan McClenny Rev 21 & 22 02-02-20
BIBLE CLASS Revelation 19 -- 1-29-20 Reagan McClenny Rev 19 01-29-20
Stepping Off The Roller Coaster Of Discontentment Reagan McClenny Lam 3:1 01-26-20
Not All Those Who WONDER Are Lost Reagan McClenny Deut 6:20 01-26-20
BIBLE CLASS Revelation 18-19 -- 1-22-20 Reagan McClenny Rev 18 & 19 01-22-20
The Art Of Discerning Harold Hancock 1 Kings 3:9-10 01-19-20
Preaching For Everyone Harold Hancock Acts 8 01-19-20
BIBLE CLASS Revelation 16-18 -- 1-15-20 Reagan McClenny Revelation 01-15-20
Let The Word Dwell In You Richly Reagan McClenny Col 3:16-17 01-12-20
Send Out Reapers Into His Harvest Reagan McClenny Matt 9:36-38 01-12-20
BIBLE CLASS Revelation Imagery and Armageddon -- 1-8-20 Reagan McClenny Revelation 01-08-20
Developing SELF-Control Reagan McClenny 2 Pet 1:2-11 01-05-20
White For Harvest Reagan McClenny Matt 9:35-38 01-05-20
BIBLE CLASS Revelation 14-16 -- 1-1-20 Reagan McClenny Rev 16 01-01-20
How A Man After God's Own Heart Dealt With Sin: PT3 - David Deals With The Consequences Reagan McClenny 2 Sam 12:7 12-29-19
The Life To Come Reagan McClenny Acts 24:25 12-29-19
How A Man After God's Own Heart Deal With Sin: PT2 - David Confesses & Repents Reagan McClenny 1 John 1:8 12-22-19
What Do We Gain From Studying Together? Reagan McClenny Rom 10:14-17 12-22-19
How A Man After God's Own Heart Dealt With Sin: PT1 - Saul Sins Against David Reagan McClenny 1 Sam 18:8-9 12-15-19
The Glory Revealed In Us Harold Hancock Rom 8:16-18 12-15-19
BIBLE CLASS Revelation 12-13 -- 12-11-19 Reagan McClenny Revelation 12-11-19
Psalm 19 And The Perfect Law Reagan McClenny Psa 19:7-9 12-08-19
What Do The Plagues Reveal About God? Reagan McClenny Ex 7 12-08-19
The Physical Rewards Of The Gospel Reagan McClenny Matt 6:25-34 12-01-19
Overcoming Materialism - Part II Reagan McClenny 1 Thess 5:16-18 12-01-19
Crowns For The Christian Harold Hancock 1 Cor 9:24-25 11-24-19
Overcoming Materialism Reagan McClenny Matt 6:19-34 11-24-19
BIBLE CLASS Revelation 11-12 -- 11-20-19 Reagan McClenny Revelation 11-20-19
Update On Work In The Philippines - Jim McDonald Our Members Matt 28:19 11-17-19
Faith Comes By Hearing & Hearing By The Word Of God Reagan McClenny Rom 10:8-17 11-17-19
BIBLE CLASS Revelation 9-10 -- 11-13-19 Reagan McClenny Revelation 9-10 NOTE: Recording Issue from :46-1:27...please skip 11-13-19
A Tale Of Two Kings Reagan McClenny 1 Sam 13:7-14 11-10-19
The Father Of Comfort Reagan McClenny Isa 40:1-11 11-10-19
Monthly Singing Service Our Members 11-06-19
Restore, Refresh & Revive Reagan McClenny Psa 23 11-03-19
Pictures Of Evangelism Reagan McClenny 2 Cor 2:12 11-03-19
BIBLE CLASS Revelation 9 -- 10-30-19 Reagan McClenny Rev 9 10-30-19
The Logic Of The Gospel Harold Hancock Matt 18 10-27-19
Laodicea: Overcoming The Apathy Of Appearances Reagan McClenny Rev 3:14-22 10-27-19
God's Direction For The Family Todd Chandler Psa 127:1-5 10-25-19
Why Did Sinners Want To Be With Jesus? Todd Chandler Luke 15 10-24-19
God's Power Shows Sin's Power Todd Chandler Eph 1:15-21 10-23-19
Raising The Bar Todd Chandler 2 Cor 10:4-6 10-22-19