My Two-year-old daughter loves The Lion King, especially the song “Hakuna Matata,” which means “no worries.” Even though that song...
One of the “tough” moments that Christian parents face is when a young child expresses a desire to be baptized...
Jesus promised the apostles that the Holy Spirit would "convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment"...
God purposed (Ephesians 3:10,11) and Christ promised to build a church (Matthew 16:18). This church began after Jesus died, after...
Jesus taught, "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil...
Some members of the early church possessed the gift of tongues (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). This gift allowed those who possessed...
Generally speaking, the terms Hebrews, Jews, and Israelites all refer to the same people- the nation which sprang from Abraham...
There have probably been hundreds of thieves who have been crucified throughout history Two were crucified when Jesus was nailed...
According to the Biblical account, Cornelius and his household received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues before they were...
To most, it seems presumptuous for one church to claim to be superior over all other churches and self-righteous for...
Jesus answered the question, "What must I do to be saved?" in the Great Commission. The Great Commission was some...
Man is saved by the grace of God. The scriptures plainly state, "For by grace are ye saved..." (Ephesians 2:8)...
Do you hesitate to be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38) or even to admit that the scriptures...
The Ten Commandments are not our Savior; Jesus is! As a code of ethics, the Ten Commandments promoted allegiance to...
Sometimes, we who are members of the church of Christ are accused of believing in "water salvation." When spoken, the...
Sometimes, we who are members of the church of Christ are accused of not believing in the Old Testament. The...
Yes! We sing. Singing is a regular part of our worship assemblies; many also sing hymns when they are alone...
Can a child of God sin so as to be lost? Can one fall from grace? Does the possibility of...
To tithe means to give a tenth. One reads about tithing early in the Bible; Abraham gave a tenth of...
Webster defines "cremate" as "to burn (a dead body) to ashes." We wish to consider two questions about cremation: 1)...
Substitution is a truly basic principle of Christianity, despite the fact that many erroneous theories have been spawned by this...
“Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction...
I used to hear in my teens sermons on the subjects of Institutionalism, The Work of the Church, The Sponsoring...
Many people are willing to take a chance on others never discovering their wrongdoings. Many of these, however, are caught...
The purpose of this little tract is to present what the Bible says on the subject of differing churches. You...
The Bible is unique. No other book has been attacked like it, scrutinized like it or criticized like it. Neither...
Probably no charge creates more prejudice against a group of people than the charge that they think there is only...
The English word “church” is translated from a New Testament Greek word “ekklesia” “ek”, out of, and “klesis”, a calling...
A survey of the Bible must of necessity deal with the purpose, establishment, and organization of the Lord’s church, for...
"The church is the body of Christ, so we are the only 'hands' He has to do His work;" or...