Are people experiencing a true move of God, or are they being fooled by the devil?
Many are enthralled with the reports of services where hundreds “get more of God” or experience a special manifestation of the Lord. These revivals, in Toronto, Brownsville, Florida and other places, report thousands of decisions for Christ and claim to represent a true revival or new movement of God among His people.
We disagree. A careful study of the scriptures reveals that the revivals going on are simply not in line with what the Bible teaches about the Holy Spirit, worship, salvation or God’s actions.
Naturally, many will claim that what happens at these revival services proves that they must be from God. But we must heed the caution of the apostle Paul:
<hr /><p>“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light” 2 Corinthians 11:13-14</p>
<hr /><p>Feeling good about something, sensing that this must be right, or just “knowing in your heart” it is from God does not mean it is genuinely of the Lord. Too many are throwing caution to the wind and are being deceived by the devil. Remember, these same manifestations that many claim authenticate the current revival movement are widely practiced in Hindu, Buddhism, occultic Chinese groups and even devil worshiping clans! Just because it looks good does not mean it is good! Get out your Bible and study these reasons that show clearly how the current revival movement cannot be from God.</p>
6 scriptural tests that prove charismatic revival cannot be from God.
<p>How Can You Know This is Not a Genuine Movement of God?</p>
Denies the Biblical pattern.
<p>The New Testament never shows Christians being “slain in the Spirit,” falling on the floor, asking for “more of God” or coming for a “fresh anointing.” None of the uncontrollable “outbreaks” seen in these revivals can be found in your Bible. The emphasis in scripture is always control, not wild displays (see Ephesians 5:18).
Plan of salvation is not taught.
<p>While some do baptize it is not for remission of sins, nor is it to be saved. Baptismal candidates are told they are doing this as a public testimony they have been saved. Yet the New Testament clearly teaches that water baptism is absolutely necessary to salvation (see Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16; 1 Peter 3:21). Faith alone, as preached in these revivals, does not and cannot save (see James 2:14-26).
Emphasizes feelings over the mind.
<p>People are told not to think or question the “manifestations” that are the hallmark of today’s revivals. However, the Bible warns Christians to constantly be on guard against deception (see 1 John 4:1; Matthew 7:15; 1 Thess. 5:21; Jer. 17:9).
Is not in accord with the regulations of 1 Corinthians 14.
<p>1 Corinthians forbids multiple tongue speakers speaking at once (1 Cor. 14:27-28), demands that everyone exercise control at all times (1 Cor. 14:30-33), does not allow women to preach or address the assembly (1 Cor. 14:34-35), and demands there be order at all times (1 Cor. 14:23, 40). All of these scriptural requirements given by God are routinely defied at charismatic revival services.
It is manipulative.
<p>There is no example in scripture of extended altar calls, hours of hype in so-called “worship” services, or high-pressure tactics that manipulate people into an emotional frenzy. Yet these things are the very core of today’s revivals.
No scripture promises immediate, miraculous life changes to believers.
<p>Consistently, people testify at revivals that God removed sin’s temptations, broke their addiction or habitual sin, or otherwise miraculously changed their life for them. Yet no passage of scripture ever promises that God will do any such thing!
</ol><p>We urge you to study the scriptures carefully. If you do so you will be convinced that while something is going on at Brownsville and other such places it cannot be from God. Let’s leave off “hype” and emotionalism and return to doing what the New Testament teaches!</p>