“Must” expresses compulsion, obligation, or certainty. The Bible clearly teaches that one must be baptized to be saved.
1. The Jews On Pentecost Were Baptized To Be Saved: When they asked, “What shall we do?” (Acts 2:37), they were told, “Repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ...” (Acts 2:38). Those who gladly received his word were baptized (Acts 2:41).
2. The People Of Samaria Were Baptized To Be Saved: When Philip went down to Samaria, he preached Christ (Acts 8:5), and “both men and women were baptized” (Acts 8:12).
3. The Man Of Ethiopia Was Baptized To Be Saved: Philip preached Jesus to the man of Ethiopia (Acts 8:35). Upon the man’s confession of faith in Christ (Acts 8:37), “both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and he baptized him” (Acts 8:38).
4. Saul of Tarsus Was Baptized To Be Saved: Saul was instructed, by Jesus, to go into Damascus where he would be told what he “must do” (Acts 9:6). Ananias told Saul, “arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord” (Acts 22:16). Acts 9:18 shows that Saul arose and was baptized.
5. Cornelius And His Household Were Baptized To Be Saved: This devout man, along with his house, upon hearing the Word of God, were commanded “to be baptized in the name of the Lord” (Acts 10:48).
6. Lydia And Her Household Were Baptized To Be Saved: Lydia and her household heard the Word of the Lord spoken by Paul and were baptized (Acts 16:14,15).
7. The Philippian Jailer And His Household Were Baptized To Be Saved: He asked Paul and Silas, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). He believed (Acts 16:;31, was penitent (Acts 16:33) and was baptized (Acts 16:33).
8. The Corinthians Were Baptized To Be Saved: Acts 18:8 says, “many of the Corinthians, hearing, believed, and were baptized.”
9. The Ephesians Were Baptized To Be Saved: When those of Ephesus heard God’s Word, “they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 19:5).
Have you been baptized to be saved?