From Creation to Revelation
October 18, 2018 Location: The Pines Theater in Downtown LufkinExamining the Evidence for the God of the Bible
@ The Pines Theater in Downtown Lufkin featuring Dr. H.E. “Buddy” Payne, Dr. Doy Moyer, & Dr. Thaxter Dickey
“Does God Exist?”
6:30 PM—The Psychological Argument for God
7:10 PM—Intermission
7:20 PM—The Scientific Argument for God
8:00 PM—Q & A
“Is Jesus the Christ?”
6:30 PM—The Resurrection Argument for God
7:10 PM—Intermission
7:20 PM—The Life and Teaching of Jesus
8:00 PM—Q & A
“Is the Bible Inspired?”
6:30 PM—The Reliablility of the Biblical Text
7:10 PM—Intermission
7:20 PM—The Inspiration of the Biblical Text
8:00 PM—Q & A
Timberland Drive church of Christ - 9am; 9:50am; 5pm
912 S Timberland Drive, Lufkin, Texas 75904
About Our Speakers
Dr. H. E. “Buddy” Payne, Jr.

Dr. Payne received his professional training at Florida College (A.A., Valedictorian), Florida State University (B.S. in Science Education, cum laude), Harvard University (M.A.T. in Science Education) and University of South Florida (Ph.D. in Mathematics Education).
As a science and mathematics educator with over 40 years of teaching experience, Buddy has devoted much time and energy to the study and discussion of intelligent design and evolution issues. He has been invited to deliver numerous lectures on this topic on college campuses and in other settings.
Buddy’s faith has always been of greatest importance in his life, and in 1993 he took a two-year leave of absence in order to preach the gospel in Romania following the fall of the Iron Curtain.
Dr. Payne currently serves as the President of Florida College. Before his current administrative capacity, Dr. Payne taught various college courses in chemistry and mathematics.
Dr. Doy Moyer

Dr. Moyer has been preaching the gospel for over 32 years across the United States, including in California, Louisiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Florida. For 13 years, Doy taught a variety of Bible and apologetics classes as a full-time college professor.
Doy has authored several works including Mind Your Faith: Essays in Apologetics (2nd ed, 2017), and Mind Your King: Lessons and Essays on Biblical Authority (2016).
Doy has lectured throughout the country on various topics relating to faith, establishing authority, and apologetics. He currently resides in Birmingham, AL working with the church in Vestavia.
Dr. Thaxter Dickey

Dr. Dickey began his professional training at Florida State University in Math and Physics, before completing degrees at Western Kentucky University (B.A. in Psychology and Speech), and the University of South Florida (M.A., Ph.D. in Psychology-Economics).
Thaxter is a tenured professor of behavior science with almost 40 years of teaching experience. He has published materials on various topics relating to psychology, social trends, apologetics, and the Bible. He has also delivered numerous lectures on this topic on college campuses and in other settings.
Thaxter is also an exceptional preacher, having worked diligently with churches in Georgia, Kentucky, and Florida, and preaching by appointment throughout the country.
In addition to his preaching, Dr. Dickey currently teaches a wide range of college courses in psychology, sociology, and economics. He also serves as the Director of Institutional Research at Florida College, and serves as a consultant with organizations on issues of selection, promotion, training and testing.