More Fair- Minded
Harold Hancock
Luke, the writer of Acts, said of the Bereans, These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so (Acts 17:11). Luke was not comparing the Christians in Thessalonica to those who became Christians in Berea, but rather the Jews in Berea to the Jews in Thessalonica. This is evident because the word Jews in Acts 17:10 is the antecedent of these in Acts 17:11. Furthermore, if one has read First Thessalonians, one knows that the church at Thessalonica was exemplary in many ways (1Thessalonians 1:3,6-7). The Jews at Berea were said to be more fair-minded than the Jews of Thessalonica because the Jews of Berea were more open-minded and eager to investigate and to accept the Word of God than the Jews at Thessalonica.
Today, all — Jews and Gentiles — need to be open and receptive to the preaching of the Word of God (James 1:21). However, we must not be gullible and accept everything man preaches in the name of religion as Truth. Many false doctrines are taught and believed. We must search the scriptures — the inspired Word of God (2Timothy 3:16) — to see if the things we hear and the things we practice in religion are indeed from God.
Make sure you are fair-minded and encourage those you teach to be fair-minded , also. If the things we hear are Truth, we need to accept them; if they are not Truth, they are not a part of the saving gospel and can cost us our soul (Matthew 7:20-21). The Truth shall make us free (John 8:32).
Emphasizing The Basics
Roger Hillis
If the Lord's church is to survive and prosper, it must never depart from the basics of the gospel.
A wise and experienced elder once told me, "I've never known a church to grow that didn't emphasize the basics. If a church is struggling, they just need to get back to first principles and preach them like the people have never heard them before." That was good advice.
If Christians do not have a basic understanding of the elementary principles of the gospel, they have no solid foundation on which to build and grow. One of Christ's parables spoke of the need of making certain that we build on the right foundation (see Matthew 7:24 27). That reminds us of the importance of teaching some of the same lessons over and over again.
There are several reasons for this: First, there are always young people growing up who have heard these lessons from the time of their birth. But, at a very young age, most of these studies do not sink in. At some point (and really, only God knows when it will be), a lesson that young people have heard numerous times finally takes hold and they understand an important truth for the very first time. We should never assume that our young people know and understand Bible subjects just because we know they have heard them before.
Secondly, we can never be sure when a visitor will show up and, perhaps, hear a vital Bible lesson at a crucial time in his life. It may be the first and only time that person will ever have the opportunity to understand an important doctrinal point, which could make the difference in his eternal destiny. That's also why we should make certain to explain the plan of salvation during a lesson every time. You just don't know who may be listening carefully and seriously considering obedience. He might have listened many times in the past, have done nothing about what he was learning, and still be receptive this time.
Also, we must not assume that our older members (not in age, necessarily, but those who have been around a while) can always remember everything they've ever heard. It might have been a long time since they have studied a particular subject, or they might be aware of the truth but not know where the verses are that teach that truth. It is always helpful to be reminded of things we know to be true so that our convictions are deep and not easily shaken. These things help to mature and stabilize us spiritually "till we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness by which they lie in wait to deceive" (Ephesians 4:13-l4).
There will be certain subjects that we will never outgrow. We must never be afraid to preach lessons that members have heard many times. When someone has been a Christian for several years, there is almost no way to preach something new to him. As people have said, "If it's new, it isn't true; and if it's true, it isn't new."
No matter how much "strong meat" of the word people can handle, those who are the most mature spiritually will never grow tired of hearing these basic principles of truth, because they know how important they are. They love all truth and do not have to be entertained with "some new thing" all the time.
"For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food" (Hebrews 5:12). If people are not growing spiritually, if the church is struggling with carnality and division, if souls are not being saved, look first at the preaching. Maybe we need to just get back to the basics. (Market Street Messenger, June 5, 2011)
This Week s Memory Verse:
These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. (Acts 17:11)