The Book of Psalms is God’s divinely-inspired songbook, giving us insight into worship, prayer, and the nature of God. We are excited to focus our congregational reading on this powerful book in 2018. As you read, we encourage you meditate deeply on the content of these psalms, and especially consider these three areas of personal application:
PRAISE-What in this reading should cause me to praise God? Is there something this reading teaches me about God, His nature, or His blessings for which I should give thanks to Him?
PRAYER-What in this reading should inform my prayers? Can I pray the prayer of the Psalmist on this occasion? Use the Psalmist’s prayer as a starting point for your own.
PRACTICE-Is there something in this reading that should drive me to repentance or other action? What will I do today to fulfill this need in my life or the lives of others?
Why the Psalms?
I.The Psalms are quoted in the New Testament more than any other Old Testament book.
•Psalm 115-118
•Psalm 22
•Psalm 16 (Acts 2)
•Psalm 110
II.The Psalms are poetry or songs.
•Exodus 14:26-31
•Exodus 15:1-5
1.Write the Psalms (Duet. 17:18-19)
2.Class on Wednesday Nights
III.The Psalms inform us on many fundamentals of faith.
1.Praise (Psalm 148)
2.Prayer (Psalm 38)
3.Practice (Psalm 1)
•Hebrews 10:26-31
•Hebrews 10:23-25