Practical Tips for Serving God with David Watson

March 5, 2017 Location: Timberland Drive church of Christ

Sunday - Thursday March 5-9, 2017

We are thankful for David Watson being with us to preach on the theme, "Practical Tips for Serving God.” David’s topics, and a brief description of each, are listed below, along with information about obtaining recordings.

  • Sunday 9am: Tested By Fire - Peter teaches us how to stay encouraged in a Godless society.
  • Sunday 9:50am: “That’s just how I am!”- Eliminating the excuse that hinders our growth.
  • Sunday 4pm: “That’s just the way it is these days!” - Eliminating another excuse: why can’t we just go along with society?
  • Monday 7pm: #Christianity - Finding solutions for 3 online behaviors that get us into trouble.
  • Tuesday 7pm: One Thing You Lack - Getting personal with honest self-evaluation.
  • Wednesday 7pm: How to Tell the Good News - Three things to say to share the gospel in a kind, understandable way.
  • Thursday 7pm: Creating Spiritual Habits - Tools, tips, and apps for examining self, praying, and reading the Bible.

Refer to the attached brochure for more information.

We hope to see you there!

Practical Tips for Serving God with David Watson