Practical Tips for Serving God with David Watson
March 5, 2017 Location: Timberland Drive church of ChristSunday - Thursday March 5-9, 2017
We are thankful for David Watson being with us to preach on the theme, "Practical Tips for Serving God.” David’s topics, and a brief description of each, are listed below, along with information about obtaining recordings.
- Sunday 9am: Tested By Fire - Peter teaches us how to stay encouraged in a Godless society.
- Sunday 9:50am: “That’s just how I am!”- Eliminating the excuse that hinders our growth.
- Sunday 4pm: “That’s just the way it is these days!” - Eliminating another excuse: why can’t we just go along with society?
- Monday 7pm: #Christianity - Finding solutions for 3 online behaviors that get us into trouble.
- Tuesday 7pm: One Thing You Lack - Getting personal with honest self-evaluation.
- Wednesday 7pm: How to Tell the Good News - Three things to say to share the gospel in a kind, understandable way.
- Thursday 7pm: Creating Spiritual Habits - Tools, tips, and apps for examining self, praying, and reading the Bible.
Refer to the attached brochure for more information.
We hope to see you there!