
Sermon Title Teacher Scripture Date
Which Church Will You Choose? The "church of reality"? Or The REAL Church? Harold Hancock Matt 16 01-14-18
"Not Chosen"....But Still Working! Reagan McClenny Acts 1:20-26 01-07-18
Set To Grow - Evidences Of Growth Harold Hancock Phil 3 01-07-18
2018 - A Year In The Psalms Reagan McClenny Ex 14:26 12-31-17
A Lion Has Roared! Reagan McClenny Amos 3:7 12-24-17
Set To Grow 2: Grow In What? Harold Hancock Eph 4 12-24-17
Dating For Marriage - Monte Ramsey & Jesse Sisco Our Members 12-17-17
Redeeming The Time Reagan McClenny Eph 5:15 12-17-17
Set To Grow Harold Hancock Matt 7 12-10-17
One Thing You Still Lack Reagan McClenny Matt 19:20-21 12-10-17
What Does Strong Faith Look Like? - Jonathan Vaughn Our Members Heb 11:1 12-03-17
Servant Leaders Reagan McClenny Rom 12:3 12-03-17
Serving God While Single Reagan McClenny Matt 22:30 11-26-17
The Sandwich of Faith Steve Reeves Heb 10:19 - 12:4 11-26-17
Fulfilling Your Role In The Body Reagan McClenny 1 Cor 12:11-27 11-19-17
Bless The God Who Blesses Us Harold Hancock Eph 1:3 11-19-17
Strength & Stability In A Local Church Bo Couchman 11-12-17
The Words Of Jesus Harold Hancock Hebrews 1 11-12-17
5 Lessons From The Reformation Reagan McClenny Rom 1:16-17 11-05-17
Written To Christians Harold Hancock Romans 14 11-05-17
God's Design For Me Ken Vaughn Luke 15 10-29-17
With Jesus....But To No Avail Harold Hancock Acts 4 10-29-17
Seven Biblical Fools Reagan McClenny Psalm 14:1 10-22-17
Christian Cannibalism Reagan McClenny Galatians 5:6 10-22-17
The Second Great Truth About God Harold Hancock Ephesians 1 10-15-17
Answers To Suffering: How do we suffer? Reagan McClenny Job 10-15-17
Making The Victory Your Reality Don Truex 1 John 10-13-17
Finding a Home Don Truex Acts 11:22 10-12-17
Mom, Dad, & the Kids Don Truex Psalms 127 10-11-17
Walking on Water Don Truex Matt 14 10-10-17
Heaven, We Have A Problem Don Truex 10-09-17
Generation to Generation Don Truex Joshua 1 10-08-17
Evangelism for the Rest of Us Don Truex Colossians 4 10-08-17
Just Like Jesus Don Truex Luke 6 10-08-17
People That Bring The Bible To Life Our Members Matt 25 10-01-17
Answers to Suffering: Why Is There So Much Suffering In The World? Reagan McClenny Ecclesiastes 9:11 10-01-17
Judge Not Lest You Be Judged Harold Hancock Matt 7 09-24-17
Do You Love Me? Harold Hancock John 21 09-24-17
A Kingdom Of Priests pt 2 Reagan McClenny 1 Pet 2:4 09-17-17
Making Christians Harold Hancock Matt 28 09-17-17
A Kingdom Of Priests pt 1 Reagan McClenny 1 Pet 2:9 09-10-17
Settled In Heaven Harold Hancock Matt 16 09-10-17
The Peace That God Gives Pat Penn John 15 09-03-17
When Storms Come Harold Hancock Matt 8 09-03-17
Joseph - An Example of Forgiveness Reagan McClenny Gen 50:15 08-27-17
Searching For Eagles Harold Hancock Job 39 08-27-17
Modesty: Professing Godliness With Good Works Reagan McClenny 1 Tim 2:8-10 08-20-17
Resist The Devil Harold Hancock James 4:7 08-20-17
How Does God Define Nakedness? Reagan McClenny 08-14-17
Institutionalism - Right Or Wrong? Harold Hancock 08-13-17
Lust - Todd Martin Our Members James 1:15 08-06-17
Alcohol and the Christian Reagan McClenny 08-06-17
Whats Important To God & His People Harold Hancock Matt 4 07-30-17
Be Angry And Do Not Sin Reagan McClenny Eph 4 07-30-17
Courage Harold Hancock Josh 1:9 07-23-17
The Aim Of Gospel Preaching Harold Hancock Acts 26:18 07-23-17
Live Like A Christian, Not A Corinthian Reagan McClenny Rom 1:20 07-16-17
The Naturalist & The Resurrection Of Jesus Harold Hancock 1 Cor 2:12-14 07-16-17
5 Characteristics Of Disciples Of Christ Reagan McClenny Matt 28:18-20 07-09-17
Mighty For The Lord Harold Hancock 2 Sam 23 07-09-17
The Rich Man & Lazarus - Ty Thornton Our Members Luke 16:19-31 07-02-17
Why Christianity? Harold Hancock Phil 2:5-11 07-02-17
You Have Come To Mount Zion Kris Emerson Heb 12 07-01-17
Before Mt. Sinai - The Escape Kris Emerson Ex 2 06-30-17
I'm Going Home Kris Emerson 1 Cor 10 06-29-17
Lessons From Lois & Eunice Harold Hancock 2 Tim 1 06-25-17
What's Right With This Church Reagan McClenny Rom 1:8 06-25-17
Genesis 1 Harold Hancock Gen 1 06-18-17
Abba Father - The Greatest Father Of All Harold Hancock Matt 6 06-18-17
Avoiding Adam & Eve's Marriage Mistakes Reagan McClenny Gen 2 06-11-17
Forgetting Spiritual Baggage Reagan McClenny Phil 3:12-15 06-11-17
A Like Precious Faith Harold Hancock 2 Pet 1 06-04-17