
Sermon Title Teacher Scripture Date
"God, We Just..." Reagan McClenny Jer 32:17 05-29-22
What Do You Want Me To Do For You? Reagan McClenny Mk 10:36, 51 05-29-22
No Greater Joy! Reagan McClenny 3 Jn 1:1-4 05-22-22
Evangelism Report - The Work In Chile Carlos Bello 2 Cor 2:4 05-22-22
Less Than The Least Reagan McClenny Acts 23:1 05-15-22
Thinking About The Kingdom Of God Reagan McClenny Dan 2:34 05-15-22
When Earth Time Is No More Harold Hancock Gen 1:1 05-08-22
We Are, So Be! Harold Hancock Jn 13:17 05-08-22
Singing Service May 4, 2022 Our Members 05-04-22
The Surprising Comfort Of Not Adding To Or Taking From The Word Of God Reagan McClenny Rev 22:18-19 05-01-22
Here Am I, Send Me Reagan McClenny Isa 6:1-8 05-01-22
The Work In The Czech Republic Bill Bynum 04-24-22
The Need For Community Bill Bynum 04-24-22
Phinehas - The Warrior Priest Reagan McClenny Psa 106:28 04-17-22
No Man Ever Spoke Like This Man Reagan McClenny Lk 23:32 04-17-22
Psalm 19 Reagan McClenny Psa 19 04-10-22
What Does It Mean To Examine Yourself? Reagan McClenny 2 Cor 13:4-6 04-10-22
Righteousness And Three Of My Favorite Bible Words Harold Hancock 1 Tim 6:11 04-03-22
Whose Faith Follow Reagan McClenny Heb 13:5-8 04-03-22
Men's Class - Being Godly Men Our Members 03-28-22
You Yourselves Like Living Stones Are Being Built Up As A Spiritual House Reagan McClenny Eph 2:19-22 03-27-22
Jesus' Sermonette About Life On The Earth Reagan McClenny Mt 6:19-34 03-27-22
A Gospel For All Ken Vaughn 1 Tim 3:16-17 03-20-22
How Paul Overcame His Obstacles Harold Hancock 1 Cor 11:1 03-20-22
Should Christians Observe The Sabbath? Reagan McClenny Deut 5 03-13-22
A Greater Rest Reagan McClenny Ex 20:8-11 03-13-22
March Mens Class Our Members 03-07-22
Just Like Justus Reagan McClenny Acts 1:20 03-06-22
Satan's Subtle Sophistry Reagan McClenny Gen 3 03-06-22
Jesus Prepares For Us A Place Colly Caldwell Lk 16 03-04-22
Christ Living In Us Colly Caldwell 1 Cor 2:9 03-03-22
Isaiah: A Biography Of Jesus Colly Caldwell Isa 1:18 03-02-22
Who Is This Jesus? Colly Caldwell 1 Cor 1 03-01-22
The Character Of God Colly Caldwell Jn 17:23 02-28-22
God's Creation Covenant Colly Caldwell Gen 8:20-21 02-27-22
What Do You Want? Colly Caldwell Rev 1:12 02-27-22
Not My People Colly Caldwell Rom 1:12 02-27-22
My Privilege, My Faith Reagan McClenny Mt 7:13 02-20-22
Well, Technically..... Reagan McClenny Ex 20-34 02-20-22
We Are Brethren Harold Hancock Gen 13 02-13-22
Servant Leaders: Selecting And Appointing Reagan McClenny 1 Tim 3:16 02-13-22
So, I Swore By My Wrath "They Shall Not Enter My Rest" Reagan McClenny Heb 3:7 02-06-22
Whose Burden? Reagan McClenny Gal 6 02-06-22
Mens Class Our Members 01-31-22
Keep Yourselves From Idols Reagan McClenny 1 Jn 5:21 01-30-22
Choosing Servant Leaders Pt. 4 Reagan McClenny 1 Tim 3 01-30-22
Test All Things Reagan McClenny 1 Thess 5:22-23 01-23-22
Choosing Servant Leaders Pt. 3 Reagan McClenny 1 Tim 3:1 01-23-22
Prayer and Working Faith Reagan McClenny Lk 18:1-8 01-16-22
Choosing Servant Leaders Pt 2 Reagan McClenny 1 Tim 3:1-9 01-16-22
Unanswered Prayers Harold Hancock Prov 28:9 01-09-22
Choosing Servant Leaders Pt 1 Reagan McClenny Matt 16:18 01-09-22
Singing Service Our Members 01-05-22
Men's Class Our Members 01-03-22
Is Smoking Sinful? Reagan McClenny 1 Cor 6:12 01-02-22
Better Together Reagan McClenny Mt 5:13 01-02-22
A Great Truth Harold Hancock Acts 2:22 12-26-21
Total Commitment & Dedication Ken Vaughn Eph 5:15-17 12-26-21
If I Picked My Spouse Reagan McClenny 1Pet 3:7 12-19-21
If God Picked My Spouse Reagan McClenny Gen 2:18 12-19-21
Things Important To God And His People Harold Hancock Mt 4:17 12-12-21
The Emotions Of Jesus Reagan McClenny Phil 1:8 12-12-21
Joshua - The Servant Reagan McClenny Ex 17:9 12-05-21
This Do In Remembrance Of Me Reagan McClenny Luke 2219 12-05-21
Wednesday Singing Service Our Members 12-05-21
Nov Mens Class Our Members 11-29-21
Impossible With Man, Possible With God - Todd Martin Our Members Rm 7 11-28-21
Lessons On Accountability Our Members Gen 3 11-28-21
The Progression Of Godly Healing Reagan McClenny Psa 13 11-21-21
Uniquely Mark Reagan McClenny Mk 4:26-29 11-21-21
The Guilt Offering Reagan McClenny LV 5:14 11-14-21
Not All Have Obeyed The Gospel Harold Hancock Rm 10:16 11-14-21