
Sermon Title Teacher Scripture Date
You Could Be Content Reagan McClenny Phi 4:10 12-11-22
November Singing Service Our Members 12-07-22
What is Man That You Are Mindful Of Him? Reagan McClenny Psa 8 12-04-22
Defining Legalism Reagan McClenny Rm 3:19 12-04-22
November Men's Class #2 Our Members 11-28-22
There Is A Sea - A Sermon In Song #641 Reagan McClenny 11-27-22
A Re-Introduction To Your Father In Heaven Reagan McClenny Mt 5, 6, 7 11-27-22
A Reminder To Count Your Blessings Reagan McClenny Psa 136:1-3 11-20-22
The Powerful Motivation of Gratitude Reagan McClenny Lk 17:1-19 11-20-22
PUT ON The Whole Armor Of God Reagan McClenny 2 Cor 10:2-6 11-13-22
What Are You Doing Here Elijah? Reagan McClenny 1Kngs 19:1 11-13-22
November Men's Class - Leadership Our Members 11-07-22
My Faith, The Faith Harold Hancock Acts 2 11-06-22
What Is Gratitude? Daniel Hooten Eph 5:20 11-06-22
November Singing Service Our Members 11-02-22
Give Attention To Reading Reagan McClenny 1 Tim 4:16-17 10-30-22
A Christian's Scriptural Response To Gender Identity Reagan McClenny Gen 1: 26-27 10-30-22
A Prayer In The Morning & Evening Reagan McClenny Psa 3 & 4 10-23-22
The Beautiful Unity of Singing in Worship Reagan McClenny Eph 5 10-23-22
My Yoke Is Easy, But Most Are Not! Reagan McClenny Mt 11:30 10-16-22
No Heroes, No Friendship, No Redemption, No Happy Ending Reagan McClenny 1 Kgs 13 10-16-22
Some Thoughts On "Unfair" Suffering Reagan McClenny Ecc 9 10-09-22
The Other Day I met Zacchaeus & the Eunuch In Earnest Steve Reeves Lk 19:10 10-09-22
October Singing Service Our Members 10-05-22
Obedience Todd Martin Phi 2:5 10-02-22
How Does God Love? Ty Thornton 1 Cor 13 10-02-22
September Men's Class Reagan McClenny 09-26-22
Following The Pattern Of Proactive Giving PT 2 Reagan McClenny 1 Cor 16 09-25-22
Following The Pattern Of Proactive Giving Reagan McClenny Phil 3:17 09-25-22
Proper Posture For Prayer Reagan McClenny Mk 11:25 09-18-22
What Does Church Growth Really Look Like? Reagan McClenny Acts 2:41 09-18-22
What Is The Context Of "Love Your Neighbor"? Reagan McClenny Mt 22:34 09-11-22
The Christian Heart: Full of Love! (And Hate) Reagan McClenny Mt 22:33 09-11-22
September Singing Service Our Members 09-07-22
From A Murderer To A God! Reagan McClenny Lk 6:22 09-04-22
Teaching God's Grace To The Next Generation Reagan McClenny Rom 3:20 09-04-22
August Men's Class Our Members 08-29-22
Come Lord Jesus! Reagan McClenny Rev 22:20 08-28-22
How Does The Bible Define "Christian"? Reagan McClenny 1 Pet 4:16 08-28-22
Our Reaction Before God Reagan McClenny Gen 17:1 08-21-22
Back To The Bell - Using Forced Schedules To Create Holy Routines Reagan McClenny Gen 1:1-3 08-21-22
Portraits of Servanthood - Dorcas Tyler Sams Phil 2 08-14-22
Portraits of Servanthood: Onesiphorus Tyler Sams 2 Tim 1:15 08-14-22
What Did Jesus Say About Homosexuality? Tyler Sams Mt 15:19 08-14-22
Can I Trust My Bible? Tyler Sams 2 Tim 3:14 08-13-22
A Society With The Wrong Answers Tyler Sams Acts 5 08-12-22
Zacchaeus Tyler Sams Lk 19:1-10 08-11-22
Accounted As Sheep To The Slaughter Reagan McClenny Psa 44 08-07-22
Walking With God Reagan McClenny Gen 5:5 08-07-22
August Singing Service Our Members 08-03-22
The Value Of Faith Harold Hancock Heb 11:3 07-31-22
You Gotta Wanna Harold Hancock 2 Kgs 10 07-31-22
July Men's Class Reagan McClenny 07-25-22
God Loves Us Reagan McClenny 2 Thes 2:16-17 07-24-22
The Lord's Invitation Reagan McClenny Acts 26:8 07-24-22
What Jesus Said About The Church Harold Hancock Mt 16:18-19 07-17-22
Barnabas - Son Of Encouragement Reagan McClenny Acts 4:36 07-17-22
Flood And Fire: God's Judgment in 2 Peter 3 Reagan McClenny 2 Peter 3 07-10-22
The Christian's Response To Abortion In Light Of Recent Events Reagan McClenny Acts 17:24 07-10-22
July Singing Service Our Members 07-06-22
The Family Man Who Fears God Reagan McClenny Psa 128 07-03-22
What Is Your Purposes In Life? Reagan McClenny Eph 2:8-10 07-03-22
June Men's Class Our Members 06-27-22
They Must Be Great! Based On You Reagan McClenny 1 Tim 3:7 06-26-22
OH MY GOD! Reagan McClenny Gen 1:1 06-26-22
Jesus' Hour Harold Hancock Jn 2:1-4 06-19-22
ABBA FATHER - The Greatest Father Of All Harold Hancock Mt 14:26 06-19-22
The Last Words Of A Father To His Son Reagan McClenny 1 Kings 2 06-12-22
Jesus Christ "Our Lord" Reagan McClenny 1 Cor 1 06-12-22
God's Plenteous Grace Harold Hancock Psa 86:1-5 06-05-22
Naaman: An Account Of Obvious Answers To Obtuse Questions Reagan McClenny 2 Kings 5 06-05-22
June Singing Service Our Members 06-01-22